Inclusive Business Analyses
Service Delivery
Farmer Impact

Inclusive Business Model Analysis: Agrolog, Nigeria

5 Oct 2022
Wouter van Monsjou,
Aldert Holwerda

Agrolog is an early-stage aggregation processing and trading company working with ginger farmers in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The company has service centers distributed in multiple locations across the state that are used for sourcing and initial processing of wet ginger before it can be transported to the central warehouse. The aspirations of the company are to reach 45,000 farmers by 2025, increase farmer productivity from 8MT/year to 20 MT/year, and integrate traceability into the value chain to align with the EU requirements. This report evaluates the business case for Agrolog and its value proposition to the farmers and recommends to:

  1. Increase collaboration between Agrolog, FSPs, and other players in the value chain to identify opportunities for synergies in their engagement with farmers.
  2. Build the financial and professional capacity of farmer organizations to ensure that they can effectively manage the service centers after the gradual handover by Agrolog.
  3. Implement a farmer segmentation and graduation approach to incentivize farmers, tailor services to the unique characteristics of farmers, and ultimately improve farmer loyalty.
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