Conjunto de datos de la encuesta a agricultores que contiene alrededor de 15 000 respuestas a la encuesta como parte del programa FarmFit de IDH. El conjunto de datos se ha dividido en subconjuntos, se ha depurado y las respuestas se han recodificado para preservar el anonimato.
Estas respuestas se recopilaron a través de la Fundación Akvo siguiendo nuestra metodología estandarizada , respaldada por nuestro Marco de aprendizaje y basada en nuestra Biblioteca de preguntas de la encuesta para agricultores .
Esta obra está disponible bajo la licencia CC4.0 , lo que significa que usted es libre de compartir, copiar o redistribuir el material, incluso comercialmente, siempre que otorgue la atribución a IDH .
El conjunto de datos también está disponible en Zenodo .
El libro de códigos está disponible en el libro de trabajo y se presenta aquí:
country where survey was conducted
region where survey was conducted
education level
What is the highest level of education that the farmer achieved?
What is the gender of the farmer?
age group
What is the age of the farmer?
household size
How many people live in the household?
farm size (acres)
What is the total size of the farm?
crop type
Type of focus crop
farming experience
For how many years have you been farming on the current farm location?
land tenure
Do you own or rent the land you use for farming?
In this period (within the last 12 months), did you use fertiliser (including compost) to take care of the focus crop?
certified seeds
In this period (within the last 12 months), did you buy seeds for the focus crop?
pest management
In this period (within the last 12 months), did you use pesticides/fungicides/herbicides to take care of the focus crop?
phone ownership
Do you currently own a personal mobile phone?
internet use
Do you use internet?
agricultural financing
In the past 12 months, have you taken any loans? (e.g. from a local lender, microfinance bank, NGO, relative, cooperative)
bank account
Do you have a bank/Microfinance account?
mobile account
Do you have a mobile money account? (Farmer does not need to have credit or a loan, this question concerns mainly the account)
losses-rain pattern
Over the past 5 years, did you experience crop losses due to changing rain patterns (including floods) on this farm location?
Over the past 5 years, did you experience crop losses due to drought on this farm location?
Over the past 5 years, did you experience crop losses due to heatwaves on this farm location?
Over the past 5 years, did you experience crop losses due to storms (including cyclones, monsoons) on this farm location?
Over the past 5 years, did you experience crop losses due to mudslides on this farm location?
farmer organization
Are you member of a farmer organisation? (Cooperative, VSLA, SACCO, community group etc.)
service provider awareness
Have you heard of [service provider]? (if farmer receives input financing from [service provider] you can fill in yes without asking the question)
agricultural continuity
Do you intend to continue working in agriculture?
land expansion
Do you plan to increase the land you farm on in the future?