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Welcome to the FarmFit Insights Hub

“Under what conditions can smallholder service delivery models be efficient, cost-effective and economically viable at scale?”

In 2015 we set out to answer this question, under the conviction that bringing clarity to the economics and impact of inclusive smallholder business models would help bring much needed private sector investment that smallholder markets desperately need.

Discover our key learnings and insights right here.

Our Mission

The belief that by bringing clarity to the economics and impact of smallholder inclusive business models, we can help generate private investment in smallholder markets, is what drives our work. Investment that’s urgently needed to achieve food security, improve livelihoods, build climate resilience and drive economic development.

The scale of the challenge requires a massive change in how the sector engages with and invests in smallholder markets. A paradigm shift is needed with two main developments: a leading role for the private sector and a more fundamental usage of data. To do this, we need to debunk pervasive perceptions in the sector, most importantly the idea that there is no business case for investing in smallholder agriculture.

Since 2015, we’ve collected over 2 million data points from over 100 analyses of companies active around the world in over 25 crops. And our database is continually growing. The FarmFit Insights Hub shares what we’ve learned so far on what defines and drives a successful business model, and what actions private businesses, investors, donors and others can take based on these insights. It’s the first-ever resource to provide a rigorous, data-driven understanding of how smallholder-inclusive business models deliver sustainable commercial returns.

Through the Insights Hub, we’re helping to professionalize the way goods and services are delivered to smallholder farmers. We’re also helping to shift private sector perceptions and approaches – demonstrating the value of farmers as customers and business partners, and the commercial viability of investment in smallholder markets.

What best describes you?

Let us help you find the right information, fast.
I'm a big-picture thinker, short on time
You're interested in obtaining overarching insights regarding smallholder agricultural markets.
I’m a doer, working on the ground
You want practical tips and real-life examples that can positively influence your day-to-day work, along with guidance on effectively putting recommendations and best practices to practice.
I’m a data enthusiast, looking for rigor and detail
You’re interested in the 'how' of our data and findings, and need to know more about our analytical methodology.

Your Insights Hub journey has just started

Are you a visionary business owner, investor, or simply curious about the future of sustainable agriculture? 

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