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Welcome to the FarmFit Insights Hub

“Under what conditions can service delivery models be efficient, cost-effective and economically viable at scale?"
In 2015 we set out to answer this question, under the conviction that bringing clarity to the economics and impact of inclusive smallholder business models would help bring much needed private sector investment that smallholder markets desperately need.

The FarmFit Insights Hub shares what we have learned so far.
Transforming Agriculture Through Data and Intelligence.

Discover how agribusinesses, investors, and development actors are leveraging the FarmFit Insights Hub to drive innovation and investment into smallholder agriculture.

  • Featured
    IDH policy brief
  • 6520241509 1b8d1054b1 o
    How a Rwandan cooperative transformed its maize sourcing strategy and empowered women farmers
  • Quiz
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    Raphael Group’s Transformative Impact on Tanzania’s Rice and Beans Value Chain in Mbeya
  • Who we serve
    We help you find the right tools and resources backed by credible research so you can focus on what really matters - driving value for your stakeholders
    Practical guides, case studies, and tools for business growth
    Sector-level insights and benchmarking tools to guide investment
    Cross-sector data & insights for evidence-driven decision-making
    Enabling environment insights to support policy decisions
    Support orgs
    Support Orgs
    Tools and actionable insights to inform interventions
    We help you find the right tools and resources backed by credible research so you can focus on what really matters - driving value for your stakeholders
  • IDH’s smallholder research and business model analysis tools were critical to helping us build Trellis, our new early-stage agriculture initiative
    Christopher Wayne
  • All investors collect their own data, but having access to standardised and aggregated data in one place is truly novel.
    Laila Kassam
    Grassroots Business Fund
  • Your Insights Hub journey has just started

    Are you a visionary business owner, investor, or simply curious about the future of sustainable agriculture?

    Sign up here for access to updates - and industry insights and innovation - from the Smallholder Inclusive Business Newsletter.
    POWERED BY +31(0)30 230 5660 farmfit@idhtrade.org
    © 2024 IDH. All rights reserved.