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Follow the tutorial to learn how Direct Cost Recovery differs across Scale, Primary Markets and Crop Type, or start exploring the data right away.
Follow the tutorial to learn how Direct Cost Recovery differs across Scale, Primary Markets and Crop Type, or start exploring the data right away.
Variables & definitions
The percentage of service costs covered by fees charged to farmers for these services. This is inclusive of any margins made on the purchase/sale of inputs and equipment but excludes any gains the business made from sourcing.
Food crops grown for own consumption besides for sale and/or sold mainly in local markets. Cash crops grown entirely for sale in local and international markets.
The average annual cost of service delivery to farmers. That is, the average cost per farmer that a company incurs in for providing farmer-related goods and services, such as advisory services, inputs or finance. Importantly, we look at the gross cost, meaning that we do not subtract any associated revenues that are generated from the payment by farmers for these goods and services; these are taken into account in our analyses on Direct Cost Recovery. In addition, we do not look at the agricultural produce business case that these companies have, such as sourcing, processing, trading, etc.
The number of farmers that a smallholder-inclusive business model reaches.
The mechanism with which services are made available to farmers. Companies can rely solely off their own staff, take a fully mediated approach where they rely off (in)formal farmer groups, lead farmers and/or agents, or have a Combination of own staff and a mediated approach.
Primary markets where the crop is destined - i.e. where the final processed good is sold. We categorize as either intercontinental or regional.
The level of organization of the farmers engaged by a certain business model. We cluster these into unorganized, formal farmer groups and informal farmer groups.
The type of organization the business model falls into (Global or local off-taker, Farmer-led model, FSP, Input or Technology Provider.
Loose value chains are those where there is limited structure within the supply chain, with many market players involved across different levels. Tight value chains as those characterized by close relationships between value chain members and producers, and a more concentrated midstream (aggregators, traders, processors).
The absolute $ value created (i.e. difference compared to a farmer not receiving the goods and services provided by the model analyzed) at farm-level on average per year.
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